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What are insomnia symptoms, and how to cure insomnia?

Natural ways to cure Insomnia

How to cure insomnia in 12 minutes

Are you experiencing difficulty falling asleep? Well, it could be insomnia. Approximately 70 million Americans suffer from chronic problems. According to a study, women have a lifetime risk of insomnia about 40 percent higher than men. About 30 to 48 percent of older adults have insomnia in the US. In this article, let us discuss insomnia and its symptoms and types in detail. This article also tells you some easy fixes to cure your insomnia in 12 minutes.

What is insomnia, and what are its types?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that may make it hard to fall asleep, difficult to stay asleep, and not be able to get back to sleep. You can still feel tired when you wake up. Insomnia may sap not just your energy level and mood but also your work performance, health, and overall quality of your life.

The three main types of insomnia are acute insomnia, transient insomnia, and chronic insomnia.

Most adults experience acute (short-term) insomnia, which lasts for days or weeks. It is usually the result of a traumatic event or stress. It is more common in women than men. Acute insomnia is also called adjustment insomnia. Transient insomnia is temporary and generally lasts for less than one week. Recent stresses usually cause transient insomnia. But some people have chronic (long-term) insomnia that lasts for a month or more.

Insomnia can be the primary problem, or insomnia might be associated with other medical conditions or medicines. You don’t have to put up with sleepless nights. Simple changes in your daily habits can usually help, further discussed.

What are the symptoms of insomnia?

Symptoms of insomnia can include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep at night
  • Difficulty staying asleep during the night
  • Not feeling rested after a night’s sleep
  • Waking up too early
  • Daytime sleepiness or tiredness
  • Ongoing worries about sleep, irritability, depression, or anxiety

What causes insomnia in females?

The female sex hormones, i.e., progesterone and estrogen, are involved in various processes that regulate sleep. Fluctuating hormonal levels during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and perimenopause can cause women’s insomnia. Studies of insomnia in females usually find that sleep disorders overlap with these events. Mood disorders and stress, such as depression and anxiety, can also increase the risk of insomnia in females.

What are the ways to cure insomnia naturally?

We all have trouble sleeping at times. When insomnia strikes, learn the ways to get your zzzs. Solutions to sleep struggles can be simpler than you think. Please read further to know how to cure insomnia in 12 minutes.

Light in the morning, dark in the night

Exposure to bright sunlight first thing in the morning could help your body get on a sleep schedule. Take five minutes of sunshine first thing each day. Keeping your white and blue light to a minimum in the evening can help you fall asleep faster. Devices like smartphones and computers emit high white and blue light levels unless you use a blue light filter.If you must use an electronic device in two hours before your bedtime, turn the light brightness down to the lowest setting and use your blue light filter at maximum.

Use your imagination.

Relax and think about something repetitive, for example, watching sheep in your head. Count as each imaginary sheep jumps the fence. Consider how the landscape looks and concentrate on how each piece of grass waves in the breeze. Is the sky full of fluffy clouds? Create your universe until you get lost in it and fall asleep. Or imagine yourself spending your time in your favorite place.

Imagine somewhere where you always feel relaxed or happy. Add details to your imagery. Watch the waves crash on the beach or feel the sand under your toes. Visit peaceful places in your imagination and get lost in your dreamland.


Did you ever try to study something that you find boring and fall asleep to? Or were you ever at an event listening to the speaker drone on and found yourself nodding off? You may recreate that sleepy feeling by concentrating on something you find boring. Listen to an ebook on a subject that doesn’t interest you. Or read a book that you can not comprehend. Just read the words, and do not worry about understanding them. If you’re a worry wart or find yourself too excited to sleep, this strategy can work wonders for your ability to sleep.

How to treat insomnia due to anxiety?

If your insomnia is caused by anxiety, you can take medications to treat your anxiety. Certain antidepressants and drugs like alprazolam (Xanax), zolpidem (Ambien), and zolpidem ER can help you treat your anxiety issues, and you will feel relaxed after taking the medications. You can then sleep better. Following are the techniques to sleep with insomnia.

Pray or meditate.

Stop overthinking everything. This brain activity is known as rumination, and it causes your body to feel anxious. Creating problematic scenarios in your head amps you up and catastrophizing causes your body to think that scenarios you imagine are happening now. Your body can enter flight or fight mode when you incessantly worry. Your body stays too aware and awake because it senses there is a danger from you. Instead, imagine the good things that might happen.

Most of what we stress about never comes to pass except in our heads. Try formal meditation techniques or yoga to find release from anxiety and worry. Or, pray about your problems with God and concerns and turn over your tensions to your highest power.

Exercise at least 12 minutes per day, and you can sleep soundly.

Exercise for 12 minutes in two-minute spurts throughout your day. This is called high-intensity interval training or HIIT. If you do six two-minute spurts of high-intensity, high-energy aerobic activity throughout your day, you never even have to bear a sweat. Do pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope, and other exercises four to six times each day, and you can sleep better when you hit the sack. An added advantage is that HIIT can improve metabolism more than other forms of exercise. Or try taking a fast walk or jogging for twelve minutes. A little bit of exercise is always better than none at all.

Reduce your caffeine intake.

If you are the type of person who drinks six cups of coffee per day, you might want to consider cutting back, especially after 4 pm. Your body requires time to come down from caffeine. Some people better come off caffeine ultimately, whereas others can handle it only in the morning.

Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.

Remember the importance of a regular bedtime. Once your body gets adjusted to a ritual of sleeping and waking at the same time daily, you will feel sleepy at the same time every day. You must follow it on weekends and holidays for the best results. Relax and try to be calm while on your bed before you get your night’s sleep.

Tune in to soothing music for deep sleep.

Listening to soft, calming music as you doze off could help if you have trouble falling asleep. Listening to music before your bedtime also helps improve your sleep quality. Make sure you pick something soothing and turn it off after a while, preferably when you are already deep in your dreamland.


Insomnia is a common problem that can affect your physical and mental health. If you feel how insomnia severely impacts your life or habits, you must elevate your sleeping environment to boost sleep quality by following the abovementioned techniques. Insomnia should not be taken lightly. While you can always go for medications for your insomnia, lifestyle changes are the best to prevent sleep disorders, similar to any other health crisis.

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