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About Us

Veteran Of Online Pharmacy

At shipfromusaonline.com we only provide our customers with FDA-approved drugs. We have been selling pain-relieving drugs and all other generic medicines for a long time and we can proudly state a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee which is also visible through the amazing testimonials of our users. We are the best in the online pharmacy business and there is no one better anywhere near us.

We Ship from the USA Online and provide medicines for the well-being of the people in the USA. We provide a range of medicines that are meant for the treatment of pain, Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder, and much more.

Also, we provide all the FDA-approved products that you can buy without much trouble. You can also go through our testimonials to get an idea of what type of services we provide. You should also be able to get the idea that we provide 100% customer satisfaction.

Safety First!

We always provide you with the type of medicines that are safe to consume. You should feel safe while you take your medicines. We have one of the best manufacturers of medicine that has safe and tested machinery to check the effectiveness and safety of the medicines that we provide. Also, we give proper instructions to our customers on how they should take the medicine for their safety.

We also provide our customers with 24/7 support via live chat, email, or phone calls. In case of any queries or questions feel free to contact us at any time through these communication portals and we will make sure that all your questions are met with satisfactory solutions by our dedicated team of experts. We will guide you in choosing the right option among the medicines available and we will also provide you with a prescription of dosage, free of cost.


We aim to deliver the best services from our end to let you have a nice user experience with us. For this, we provide you:

Overnight Delivery-

We believe that medications sometimes can be very urgent to take. If you require medicine urgently, then we can also provide you with an overnight delivery option for your convenience. We have such type of shipping service that can deliver the medicines to you in just a single night if you require the medicine overnight.

Secure Transactions

All the transactions done on this site are completely secure. We abide by all the rules of law governing the medicine industry and we respect them in both letter and spirit. We are a reputed and responsible company that strives to provide world-class medicines at affordable rates to our customers. We guarantee that there will be no technical glitches in payment or delivery of the drugs and if any problem arises, you should notify us about it and we will take care of the rest.

In the end, we hope for your healthy recovery with the use of our drugs!

24/7 Support

The best services are the availability of support that we always have. You can come to our website and choose the contact options of chatting with us, giving us a call, or leaving a mail to us. We are always available to help you out on any matter related to our services.


We also provide you with a prescription along with the medicines that you purchase from our store. We aim to educate you well about the medicines that we provide you. Also, we mention all the important details in the prescription to let you know the proper use of the medicine. We tell you in what manner the medicine can be harmful to you and what conditions you should avoid for a safe medication of our medicines.


One of the most loved things about us is that our customers love to get the discounts that we offer on our medicines. All you have to do is contact us by any means such as chat with us, call us, or mail us and we will let you know what discounts you can get.

Our Products

  • Hydrocodone
  • Adderall
  • Ambien
  • Codeine
  • Lortab
  • Methadone
  • Norco
  • Opana ER
  • Oxycodone
  • Oxycontin
  • Percocet
  • Roxicodone
  • Soma
  • Suboxone
  • Tramadol
  • Vicodin
  • Xanax