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Category: Buy Norco Online

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  • Norco 10 325mg

    Norco 10/325mg


    Norco contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an opioid pain medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.

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    Norco 5/325mg


    Norco contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an opioid pain medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.

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  • Norco 7.5 325mg

    Norco 7.5/325mg


    Norco contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an opioid pain medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.

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Norco as suggested by the name is a narcotic medicine useful in relieving mild to moderately severe pain. It consists of two components hydrocodone, a pain relieving opioid & acetaminophen which is present in it to increase the effect of hydrocodone. This drug can prove to be extremely habit forming & addictive when misused hence on should read all the points related to before they buy norco online for use.

Details of Prescription:

Physical & mental conditions that can react badly with the contents of this drug & cause a number of symptoms are liver & kidney diseases, cirrhosis, acute asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, breathing disorders, head injuries, brain tumor, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, bowel obstruction, constipation, blood pressure issues, etc.

People suffering from a history of drug or alcohol addiction should never use this drug. If you have used MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days or if you continue using sedatives, tranquilizers or medicines for the treatment of depression, mental illness, Parkinson’s disease, migraine headaches, serious infections, or prevention of nausea and vomiting, the use of this medicine is avoidable.

The use of this medicine is not considered good for pregnant women & breastfeeding mothers as it can pass on to the associated child.

Side effects & Precautions:

Some of the mild symptoms that can occur when you buy norco online and use it are headaches, stomach pain, constipation, dizziness & drowsiness. Patients should maintain a healthy fiber rich diet & drink plenty of water while using this medicine to fight stomach issues.

Serious side effects include allergic reactions displayed by hives, difficulty in breathing, swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat; sexual problems such as impotence, infertility, missed menstrual periods & lack of interest in sex due to long term use of this drug; liver problems such as Jaundice with yellowing of skin & eyes; development of Serotonin syndrome with symptoms of agitation, confusion, hallucination, loss of coordination, fever, sweating, chills, muscle stiffness & spasms.

Precautions must be taken in keeping this drug away from children, pets & anyone else who might consume it knowingly or unknowingly and must fall victim to the worst of the side effects.

Dosage Info:

When you buy norco online and want to begin its use make sure to read all the prescription details provided in the leaflet and follow as such. Do not take any extra medicine to cover up for a skipped dose.