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Buy Percocet online without a prescription

Usage of Percocet:

It comprises Acetaminophen and Oxycodone in Oxycodone is an opioid content that is the actual pain reliever while Acetaminophen is a content that is less of a pain reliever but its presence can increase the effect of this drug. It has been observed that the opioid contents of this drug can impart a habit-forming characteristic to this drug and may lead to drug addiction, overdose, and even death in some patients due to slowing or stopping of breathing. It becomes really important to read about this drug in detail when you buy Percocet online for use.

Precautions of Use:

Since this drug can affect breathing, people having disorders like asthma, bronchitis, sleep apnea and COPD are advised to stay away from this drug. Other conditions that can get affected while using this drug are asthma or breathing disorders; abnormal curvature of the spine that affects breathing; liver and kidney disease; tracts in stomach or intestines; gall bladder or pancreas disorder; head injury, brain tumor, low or high blood pressure, blockage in your digestive adrenal gland disorder, enlarged prostate, urination problems, mental illness and drug or alcohol addiction.

Do not mix the use of this drug with alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers or other narcotics and never share your medicine with any of the potential drug addicts who can use it for drug abuse purposes. Do not Buy Percocet online and use it if you have used MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days.

Overdose of acetaminophen can cause damage to liver whereas other combinations can cause serious health hazards in people. Stop taking the medication if any rashes or redness appears on the skin which develops into blistering or peeling of the skin.

Side effects and Precautions:

Common side effects of this medicine are dry mouth, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, headache, drowsiness, dizziness and tiredness.

Serious side effects of this drug include symptoms of an allergic reaction like hives, swelling of lips, face, tongue or throat; irregular or shallow breathing; slow heartbeat; symptoms of serotonin syndrome: confusion, hallucinations, agitation, heavy sweating, faster heart beats, fever, shivering, loss of co ordination; sexual problems like infertility, impotence, lack of interest in sex and missed menstrual periods, fatigue and burning sensation while urinating, etc.

Dosage Info:

You are advised to read the prescription leaflet carefully and to take the dosage exactly as written in the leaflet when you Buy Percocet online for use.

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